lauantai 31. tammikuuta 2009

Studio session 1.0 day 2

Hails! Things what happened last night. We drank booze. We made songs with songsmith. We got some food from local MC Donald's drive in (on foot), the vendor screamed "There's some ogres!". And the next one came to serve us. Rontt is so scary with the Wig. Trollkung got foodpoisoning or something and has puked his stomach off his mouth.

Oh and not to forget: we had an awesome 90's paahtaay! Eiooo captain jack, eioooooo captain jack..

Now we try to do some recordings..

perjantai 30. tammikuuta 2009

Recording day 1


Ok here's what we needed to start our recording session; §1 A computer §2 A digidesign soundcard §3 instruments of your choise §4 booze §5 players for the instruments §6 more booze §7 a place where to play the instruments §8 even more booze...

so yeah day one, we got 2 songs recorded well ok not quite but something around two songs... but now some more booze and milk? (yeah we ran out of milk, Rontt and Quashnahyrk are fetching for more) Why do we need milk you ask! For white russians of course. Hmm i got a tad ofcourse there sorry for that, soon we are going to install the demonic spawn called SONGSMITH and test it out just for the hell of it. Have fun and remember kids, Black metal is zeriouz buzinez

Infernal hails from Oldblood, Ront, Qyashnahyrk and Trollkung of Served Dead !!!!